Craniosacral therapy is used extensively by Mums in pregnancy and straight after birth. The birth can be quite traumatic at times. It is particularly useful when the baby has been delivered by C-section or through the use of forceps or ventouse. These types of deliveries can result in the baby having unsettled moods, persistent crying, or poor sleep patterns, resulting in them waking frequently at night.
The most common issues for babies that Craniosacral Therapy is used for are:
- Unsettled moods - Persistent crying -Latching on -Colic -Frequent waking at night -Poor sleep patterns
The benefits for Mums are:
-Improves integrity and function of Pelvic floor muscles -Relieves backache -Improves energy levels if there is Exhaustion and fatigue -Settles Anxiety -Relieves lower pelvic pain such as Symphysis Dysfunction -Improves sleep and helps with Insomnia.
If you have had Craniosacral therapy before, then you will know first-hand how powerful and healing it is, and how it helps the body release held trauma and tensions as well as helping to restore good health & well-being. Our bodies are always trying to maintain an optimal level of health, but on occasion, perhaps because of emotional or physical trauma, lowered immunity, and other factors, it gets stuck and needs assistance to free up its healing potential. Craniosacral therapy does exactly that, in a gentle non-invasive way. Craniosacral Therapy is excellent for babies and mothers, especially after the birth process. It helps the baby to settle, helping with issues such as colic, restless sleep, and persistent crying. It is also a great help with Pelvic issues.